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Monday, May 2, 2011

It's a little ironic...

The last post was about how I got a job, and then when I finally write a new one, I no longer have said job. It's a long story about how the owner of the daycare just didn't like me. She kept cutting my hours without notice and I would gt in trouble for silly things. The first week, she threatened to fire me because I wasn't mean enough. I was still trying to learn the rules, so how was I supposed to be a good teacher when I was brand new? Another thing about her was the way she went about punishing me. Everytime she talked to me, I wanted to cry. I am not even joking. I was working so hard, but a nice word never came out of her mouth. I truly loved the children, and I can't wait to get another job with more supportive management. It really has helped me decide what I want to do and what I need to do to get there. I love children, and so that's a no brainer. I am going to work with children. I really don't like people telling me what to do. So I am going to be my own boss. I am going to open my own child psychology office. I can't wait to go back to school and get headed in the right direction again. In the meantime, I am looking for a job, again.

Elan is doing great! If you didn't hear, his grades were SPECTACULAR! He is such a hard worker and I am so proud of him! He is working a ridiculous amount of hours and has to wake up at 7 most days. I like the turn of events that makes him go to bed earlier! :) We are really grateful for the hour increase because we are going to need the extra money these next few weeks. Hopefully I find another job soon.

Pat and Patty came to visit on their way to Jill's graduation! We had so much fun! I know that I for one have been homesick for them, and it was so nice to see them! We are looking forward to our next meeting! I was also able to see my family for a couple of days in Provo because they were there for Whitnee's graduation! It was really nice! You wouldn't believe how big my sisters have gotten! It was a really great weekend!

Life in general has been pretty good, and I am grateful for the experiences that I have had to get me to this place. I was told once not to neglet my education. I know now how true that is, and how much I have been neglecting. I am excited to go back and hopefully get done pretty quick. I wish everyone the best and hope you have a fantabulous day!

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