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Monday, May 23, 2011



I sold my iPhone. I haven’t been able to find a job through all of my searching, and so I had to make a sacrifice. I am selling other things, too, but they all are things that I never ever used. But my phone… I used that every day! I have the same number, so don’t worry about that. My phone is a $10 phone from Wal*Mart! WHAT? I feel like Elan has been making a ton of sacrifices for me, working super hard and long hours, and I had to make some kind of sacrifice as well. The good news is, we now have enough money for our trip to Washington. The bad news is… I have a $10 phone. Everything will be okay, but it hurts to lose nice things. I guess that Sunday’s lesson was inspired. We learned about how riches can turn a person prideful and crazy and that we need to rely on the Lord and not on our nice things. Thank goodness that temptation is now gone…

The Trembath family reunion is this weekend, and I am thoroughly excited! I can’t wait to see everyone and go to the mountains and have a blast! The only problem is Elan will probably not be able to come, and that makes me sad. I guess it makes up for last years man fishing trip that I didn’t go to. But he’s having that again in a few weeks! So maybe if I have so much fun that I can’t stand it, then it will make up for that. I don’t know. Actually, being with Patty, Jill, and Tommie will make up for that this year! I am so excited!

Our trip to Washington is going to be a week long endeavor, and I can’t wait! I have been having dreams about it! I honestly am so excited! J I miss my family over there more than anything! Elan sometimes says that I love his family more than he does. I don’t know if that’s true! But I sure love you, English family!

I have to say that I am truly blessed! Maybe I don’t have an iPhone, but I have amazing family that loves me and I love them! Thanks for loving us through all of our flaws and everything!

Elan has been working really hard, trying to make enough money for us to get by. I hope to find a job soon. I have had 2 interviews, but I guess I am not what they were looking for. Maybe I can find something else. There is a dentist office hiring, and they said they would train the right person, but they also said “no students please.” Too bad for them, I am the right person, and I am a student. It has been a lot harder than usual to find a job, even the opinionology place turned me down. They don’t usually turn anyone down… I don’t know. But overall, life is dandy, and I am glad that I get to spend it with my hunny!

Have a good day everyone!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Ode to Mothers:

When I was small and had no friends
You told me the world had no ends
That I could be anything I could dream
And then you would give me ice cream

When I grew up a little bit
I liked to scream and I liked to hit
But you held me close and never let go
Told me you loved me forever more

When my mind was filled with boys
And I grew out of most of my toys
You helped me remember my true worth,
The destiny I've had since birth

When I grew up and left your home
And sometimes just felt so alone
You always helped and knew what to say
And reminded me that I could pray

As I grow older and live my life
Through happiness and through strife
I don't know much, but there's something I do:
I want to be a mother like you

I love you!

I thought that might be a nice tribute to our moms! We love you!

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's a little ironic...

The last post was about how I got a job, and then when I finally write a new one, I no longer have said job. It's a long story about how the owner of the daycare just didn't like me. She kept cutting my hours without notice and I would gt in trouble for silly things. The first week, she threatened to fire me because I wasn't mean enough. I was still trying to learn the rules, so how was I supposed to be a good teacher when I was brand new? Another thing about her was the way she went about punishing me. Everytime she talked to me, I wanted to cry. I am not even joking. I was working so hard, but a nice word never came out of her mouth. I truly loved the children, and I can't wait to get another job with more supportive management. It really has helped me decide what I want to do and what I need to do to get there. I love children, and so that's a no brainer. I am going to work with children. I really don't like people telling me what to do. So I am going to be my own boss. I am going to open my own child psychology office. I can't wait to go back to school and get headed in the right direction again. In the meantime, I am looking for a job, again.

Elan is doing great! If you didn't hear, his grades were SPECTACULAR! He is such a hard worker and I am so proud of him! He is working a ridiculous amount of hours and has to wake up at 7 most days. I like the turn of events that makes him go to bed earlier! :) We are really grateful for the hour increase because we are going to need the extra money these next few weeks. Hopefully I find another job soon.

Pat and Patty came to visit on their way to Jill's graduation! We had so much fun! I know that I for one have been homesick for them, and it was so nice to see them! We are looking forward to our next meeting! I was also able to see my family for a couple of days in Provo because they were there for Whitnee's graduation! It was really nice! You wouldn't believe how big my sisters have gotten! It was a really great weekend!

Life in general has been pretty good, and I am grateful for the experiences that I have had to get me to this place. I was told once not to neglet my education. I know now how true that is, and how much I have been neglecting. I am excited to go back and hopefully get done pretty quick. I wish everyone the best and hope you have a fantabulous day!