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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pray For Us

So, the saga of Tasha's ever dry womb continues. As many of you know, my sweet husband has a form of arthritis and has to take a lot of medicine and stuff. Well, one of his prescriptions is for a medicine called Methotrexate and while he is on that medicine, we are encouraged highly to use every form of birth control we can because of the super harsh side effects! The problem with this medicine, is that it really helps his body to not reject the more important medicine Humira. So to get to my point, Elan has been off of this medicine for almost a year now, as we have tried to get pregnant and everything. Of course our efforts have been in vain and it is about that time that he will be going back on that medicine and we will be back to where we are not trying so that Elan can be healthy. Meanwhile, we will save up and I will try to be more healthy while we are in school so that when we graduate we can afford to go to the doctor for infertility treatments. The moral of the story is, that this is our last month for this thing to happen before a two year break of trying not to get pregnant. As all of you know, I want a baby more than anything else in the entire world.

Please pray for us.

We need all the help we can get.

Happy holidays everyone! Love you all!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Primary Program

Hey everyone! We had our primary program today and it was a super fun time! You wouldn't think that only 2 sunbeams and a dozen nursery kids would be able to fill a whole hour, but we did it! For some reason, even though we only practiced one time and there wasn't a whole lot of preparation we did alright! It was a good time! I know that those kiddos are a gift from God.

I was a vendor at the Rexburg Expo this weekend! It was pretty cool! I got the word out to a lot of people which makes up for the fact that I sold absolutely nothing. I know that it wasn't me, because my stuff is awesome! It's everyone else! So yay for having really darling clothes that nobody wants!

I am really glad that I will be going to Wyoming for Thanksgiving! And my family is coming!! I really miss them a lot! I don't think Elan has been out to the farm yet! So I am thinking that will be a super funny and delightful time for everyone! I know that my grandparents really like him a lot! So that will be good! I am really looking forward to it!

I am really grateful for my sweet husband! Even though I am not perfect and I have been having a really hard time with everything lately, he's there supporting me 100% and loving me always! I feel like I would have had a thousand nervous break downs just this week if he hadn't been there. I think that the hardest part was that I really put myself out there when we went to the expo. A lot of people said they were cute, but nobody bought anything, and that is like asking someone to go on a date with you and they say: "Well, you're cute, but... No." Except it's worse than that because I really put effort into this and was completely rejected. It's like asking someone on a date with a band playing in the background and it's being video taped and it's on the big screen in front of everyone and they say no. Oh well. There is always next time!

The good news is that I spent the whole day with Elan and we had a really good time! He said it was just the most expensive date he had ever been on! So he is amazing and I love him so much! Well that is pretty much life right now. We both love you all very much and we are looking forward to this holiday season where we get to see our families and remember what we are grateful for!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If you haven't already heard, I stopped doing Mary Kay and started to sell things that I sew. I don't know why I had such a good feeling about Mary Kay when Elan was exactly the opposite. I couldn't take the fighting and decided to stop. Luckily I am really talented! Haha! I feel like I am hopping from job to job on a whim, which is probably true. If you want to see the things that I am currently selling they are at I am also thinking of selling some of my things at But I guess we shall see.

Not pregnant. That's the news, sorry it has been about a month since my last post, but not pregnant. And I had to tell the doctor that I couldn't afford the treatments. I am really upset about it. I keep having dreams about my future baby. She looks a lot like my sister Scotlyn. At least in my dreams... I am having a really hard time because I know that this trial is just another way to come closer to my Heavenly Father, but all I want to do is stop trying. Because it isn't working. It will happen when it will happen I guess. I just think that the most ironic thing is that there are a lot of people out there who thought I was pregnant when me and Elan got married because it was so quick and not in the temple. Tricks on me I guess.

I am just going to be honest right now, I am having the worst time! I have next to no friends, and my family never calls. Elan was home for about 30 minutes today after classes and had to go to work, and won't be home til midnight. I haven't sold a single thing and I have been working like crazy to get things done! I miss my friends and I miss my family. The only thing that I am living for right now is my calling at church as a primary secretary. That is a one day a week calling. And the fact that I get to see my family soon! (By my family, I mean the English family) All I can say, is I can't wait to be in school again! It's coming up quick! But for now, I am just dead weight with no purpose.

I honestly hope that no one reads into this rant. I am just venting to the world, because I don't have any one else to vent to.

We are planning to spend thanksgiving with my family and christmas with Elan's. We love you all and hope that every one is doing so well!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

School's back in session!

Elan started school this week! It has been a good transition. I for one am glad that he can focus on something other than work! I feel like it is going to be another great semester! He is off to a good start! I am really so proud of him!

There was an opportunity to take classes on your off track if you have over 60 credits... well, I have over 60 credits so I was thinking, YES. Good idea! I need to be back in school! But it turns out that I can't utilize this opportunity because I haven't started back in school yet. UGH! And we went to the gym, and I couldn't get in because I haven't started back at school yet!! It has been driving me crazy!!

Concerning my job, I have not been getting any hours. And I mean ANY. My last paycheck was $7.77. Oh yes, I am rolling in the big bucks~! But anyway, I have a new friend who introduced me to the idea of working as a Mary Kay consultant. I think that maybe the reason that I haven't found any nanny jobs and my job hasn't been giving me hours is because I was supposed to be ready for this opportunity. I know that there are a lot of Mary Kay consultants out there and I will just be another fish in this massive sea, but I have a REALLY good feeling about it. I know that it is what I am supposed to be doing right now! And when I get a better feel for it and have a good customer base, I will be able to quit the stupid job that isn't giving me any hours any way! Haha!

My birthday is coming up! I am going to be 22! Yikes. I am having a little party tomorrow, and I am just really excited to see friends that i haven't seen in a really long time! I am hoping that some of them will be interested in getting a free facial! By the way, after using the Mary Kay face wash, my face felt sooo good! And then the day after (using my regular face wash) I felt gross. I love that stuff! Haha! I think it will be the first thing I buy for myself! I am really excited about it!

Baby news: I took Chlomid this month as a way to stimulate my ovaries and hopefully become pregnant. I don't know the news yet, but I will probably know by the 21st. (That is my next doctor's appointment too.) So I will keep you posted! We are both really excited about this!

I guess that is the current news of our life right now, Elan says "Hi, Ya'll" Which is kind of funny because he doesn't really talk like that. But that's what he told me to write! Haha! We love you all and we are super excited for the coming months when we get to see our families! Have a good day! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

New Job... and other things...

I got a new job at a call center... WOO HOO. Not. It has been okay, I guess. I just wish that there was a daycare here that wanted to hire me. But, oh well. I think that it is a fine job calling people and asking questions and all that jazz... I can't complain. It's a paycheck.

I went to the OB/GYN last week, and he has high hopes of helping me and Elan get pregnant. I think that now that it is a possibility that I will be pregnant soon, I am almost freaking out about it, because I am not ready to be a mom... Hah. That is pretty ridiculous, now that I think about it. But anyway, he put me on some medicine and will see me in a couple weeks and then look at my ovaries and stuff to see what's going on in there. It was my first pap smear, so that was... interesting? And he did a bunch of blood work and I will talk to him about the results at my next appointment. So that's the news on my future baby.

Elan is full of life and exhuberance, always wanting to go on walks and go outside. He's exhausting. Haha... Just kidding, it's good for me! And for him! We are happy to have an extra paycheck, that makes life soo much easier! We are both looking forward to going back to school, and overall, life is pretty good!

I do have sad days sometimes, where I wish that things were different, but I am glad that my sweet husband is always there for me, encouraging me and loving me, even though I am broken.

We like each other, a lot.

We love you all and can't wait to see you again!

Monday, June 27, 2011


I feel like I have been so emotional lately! I have cried almost every day this week. I don't get it. But this is what I found out today, and it made me really really really mad/sad.

I have a friend, and she got married in March (3 months ago). She was married in the temple, and we were all so proud. Today, I found out that she is 6 months pregnant. It isn't fair. I went through all of the pain and sorrow of not being able to go through the temple and now even though I want a baby, I can't get pregnant. And this girl shouldn't have gotten married there, and here she is, going to have a baby. Maybe if me and Elan had done it that way, I would be pregnant by now. I am just so mad! I know that He loves me, but I just don't understand why I can't get the one thing I have wanted more than anything in the world. There have been a lot of babies born lately, and I can't say that I am not jealous. There are new borns in both apartments next to us, and another one kiddie corner to us. I know that it isn't true, because Heavenly Father wouldn't intentionally be cruel. But I feel like He's rubbing it in my face. Like because of what I did, I have lost the blessing of children. I can't take it. But that can't be the reason because everyone sins and can still have babies. I'm so broken. I just don't know what to do.

Yesterday, at church, I realized that I have no friends. I sat alone in relief society. I wanted to leave and just cry. But I got through it, and someone finally sat next to me. But the good news is... only one week of relief society left for me! I got a calling... I'll be in the nursery after that! :) I'm glad someone finally got the revelation. Haha. Just kidding, but I am glad because I don't think I could take another few weeks of relief society!

Anyway, I really have been emotional, I hope that everything inside of me is okay. I don't know many people who cry when they spill flour on the counter...

Oh and for the few of you who I told about my unfortunate incident, I'm okay.

Love you all, be good and remember who you are!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The day that I was leaving for the Family Reunion in Wyoming, a man knocked on my door. He was selling magazines for school. Right away, I noticed something was off because he handed me a card describing himself and said he was 5'7" with blonde hair and blue eyes. In reality he was probably 6'5" with brown hair and brown eyes. He tried selling me magazines, and I talked to him for a little bit, and he inched his way into my home. For whatever reason, I was never comfortable with him and made him stay in the doorway, I realized that it was a huge scam because he was charging a ridiculous amount of money for a year subscription of a magazine. I think it was $65 per magazine. I don't know much about magazines, but I am pretty sure that I could spend less by going to the store every month and buying one there. After all of these things just didn't add up, I made him leave because first of all, I had no money, and second, I figured it was a scam. I realized afterwards that he had commented on a ton of our stuff like the guitars and the casio. I was super worried that he was going to rob us because I didn't fall for his scam and he staked out the place. Luckily, Elan was home that weekend, and nothing happened.

Today, I got an e-mail from our apartment warning about a man who was impersonating a magazine salesman who was an alleged rapist.

Can you imagine? I don't know if this magazine man and the rapist are the same person, but I am glad that I never found out. I can't even believe that it was even close. I can't even begin to express my appreciation for having the spirit to help me recognize predators, even if he wasn't the rapist, he was definitely a predator.

I have been in multiple situations where something bad could have happened, and for whatever reason, I have been protected again and again. I am just grateful for that.

In other news, Elan got a raise for all of his incredible hard work and dedication to his job! I am so proud of him! As for me, no job yet, but I have a good feeling about the next couple of weeks!

I am just incredibly grateful for the life that I have been given and the love that my Heavenly Father shows me every time I turn around! Even when I definitely don't deserve it!

I am super excited about our trip next week! I just can't wait to be with my best friends and family again! WE LOVE YOU!!

Monday, May 23, 2011



I sold my iPhone. I haven’t been able to find a job through all of my searching, and so I had to make a sacrifice. I am selling other things, too, but they all are things that I never ever used. But my phone… I used that every day! I have the same number, so don’t worry about that. My phone is a $10 phone from Wal*Mart! WHAT? I feel like Elan has been making a ton of sacrifices for me, working super hard and long hours, and I had to make some kind of sacrifice as well. The good news is, we now have enough money for our trip to Washington. The bad news is… I have a $10 phone. Everything will be okay, but it hurts to lose nice things. I guess that Sunday’s lesson was inspired. We learned about how riches can turn a person prideful and crazy and that we need to rely on the Lord and not on our nice things. Thank goodness that temptation is now gone…

The Trembath family reunion is this weekend, and I am thoroughly excited! I can’t wait to see everyone and go to the mountains and have a blast! The only problem is Elan will probably not be able to come, and that makes me sad. I guess it makes up for last years man fishing trip that I didn’t go to. But he’s having that again in a few weeks! So maybe if I have so much fun that I can’t stand it, then it will make up for that. I don’t know. Actually, being with Patty, Jill, and Tommie will make up for that this year! I am so excited!

Our trip to Washington is going to be a week long endeavor, and I can’t wait! I have been having dreams about it! I honestly am so excited! J I miss my family over there more than anything! Elan sometimes says that I love his family more than he does. I don’t know if that’s true! But I sure love you, English family!

I have to say that I am truly blessed! Maybe I don’t have an iPhone, but I have amazing family that loves me and I love them! Thanks for loving us through all of our flaws and everything!

Elan has been working really hard, trying to make enough money for us to get by. I hope to find a job soon. I have had 2 interviews, but I guess I am not what they were looking for. Maybe I can find something else. There is a dentist office hiring, and they said they would train the right person, but they also said “no students please.” Too bad for them, I am the right person, and I am a student. It has been a lot harder than usual to find a job, even the opinionology place turned me down. They don’t usually turn anyone down… I don’t know. But overall, life is dandy, and I am glad that I get to spend it with my hunny!

Have a good day everyone!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Ode to Mothers:

When I was small and had no friends
You told me the world had no ends
That I could be anything I could dream
And then you would give me ice cream

When I grew up a little bit
I liked to scream and I liked to hit
But you held me close and never let go
Told me you loved me forever more

When my mind was filled with boys
And I grew out of most of my toys
You helped me remember my true worth,
The destiny I've had since birth

When I grew up and left your home
And sometimes just felt so alone
You always helped and knew what to say
And reminded me that I could pray

As I grow older and live my life
Through happiness and through strife
I don't know much, but there's something I do:
I want to be a mother like you

I love you!

I thought that might be a nice tribute to our moms! We love you!

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's a little ironic...

The last post was about how I got a job, and then when I finally write a new one, I no longer have said job. It's a long story about how the owner of the daycare just didn't like me. She kept cutting my hours without notice and I would gt in trouble for silly things. The first week, she threatened to fire me because I wasn't mean enough. I was still trying to learn the rules, so how was I supposed to be a good teacher when I was brand new? Another thing about her was the way she went about punishing me. Everytime she talked to me, I wanted to cry. I am not even joking. I was working so hard, but a nice word never came out of her mouth. I truly loved the children, and I can't wait to get another job with more supportive management. It really has helped me decide what I want to do and what I need to do to get there. I love children, and so that's a no brainer. I am going to work with children. I really don't like people telling me what to do. So I am going to be my own boss. I am going to open my own child psychology office. I can't wait to go back to school and get headed in the right direction again. In the meantime, I am looking for a job, again.

Elan is doing great! If you didn't hear, his grades were SPECTACULAR! He is such a hard worker and I am so proud of him! He is working a ridiculous amount of hours and has to wake up at 7 most days. I like the turn of events that makes him go to bed earlier! :) We are really grateful for the hour increase because we are going to need the extra money these next few weeks. Hopefully I find another job soon.

Pat and Patty came to visit on their way to Jill's graduation! We had so much fun! I know that I for one have been homesick for them, and it was so nice to see them! We are looking forward to our next meeting! I was also able to see my family for a couple of days in Provo because they were there for Whitnee's graduation! It was really nice! You wouldn't believe how big my sisters have gotten! It was a really great weekend!

Life in general has been pretty good, and I am grateful for the experiences that I have had to get me to this place. I was told once not to neglet my education. I know now how true that is, and how much I have been neglecting. I am excited to go back and hopefully get done pretty quick. I wish everyone the best and hope you have a fantabulous day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


A lot has happened since our last post, I am sorry for not keeping everyone updated. First of all, I got a job! I am working at a daycare as an after school teacher. I get to help with the preschoolers during the day and then at around 3:00 switch to my own class with children ages 5-11. I work from 10-6 Monday thru Friday and I have never been so happy about a job! I get paid to play with kids all day, and I end up doing about an hour and a half of legitimate work (Sweeping, Mopping, Cleaning up after the kids) and I am getting paid for eight hours! I have never woken up just super excited about work before! I am completely exhausted at the end of the day but I am so happy! The other day, I was helping out the three year old class because one of their teachers hadn't come in, and I sang songs and read with them, and it was the BEST morning ever! These children are so delightful! I haven't seen any real problems besides the occasional tease or some of the younger kids have a hard time sitting still for a long time, but that's to be expected! I love it! I am just so happy! Remember how it is very snowy around here? Well the funny thing about snow is that it melts. and then there are huge puddles in our playground! So that has been fun to deal with, it's almost like they have never seen water before. But I have enjoyed every minute!

A funny thing about getting a job is that more often than not, you get other offers. The day that I started my new job, I got a call from Best Buy, they wanted to hire me. I had to turn them down and then the next day I got a call from another place that I had applied, and they wanted to hire me. I think that it is funny because next to the daycare, I wouldn't even think of working at either of those places! I thought it was funny...

Elan is doing really well in his classes! I think it is because he doesn't have a new girlfriend to distract him or a giant social life. But that is okay, I would rather him be concerned about his studies than making new friends. But I must say, a couple of weeks ago, a bunch of our old friends from out of town came to visit, and it was the most amazing thing! I know that they will be our friends forever! We really miss you, Elyssa, Joe, and Derek! Elan thinks that when we grow up and get settled, we should all live in the same neighborhood so that we can have playdates all the time! Haha!

But really, Elan is doing excellent in his classes!

I want to give a shout out to my favorite mom, thank you for the money, it really helped! We appreciate every penny! We love you very much!

Congratulations to Carolina and Tyler for your wedding! It was beautiful and we love you!

And lastly, thank you for your prayers in our behalf! I really couldn't be happier. I have my dream job, my dreamy husband, and the most fantastic family I could have asked for! We love you!


Thursday, January 13, 2011


There is snow everywhere! I mean obviously, it's Rexburg, Idaho. What was I expecting? I don't know... but this is ridiculous! Our apartment complex spent 12 hours in the last 2 days plowing our parking lot. They even made us park in certain places to get all of it done. As soon as they were done. And I mean not a minute later, it started snowing. It snowed 4 inches in the last 4 hours! Elan drove to work today and I walked to eat dinner with him. The snow never stopped! The car was covered in 2 maybe 3 inches of snow! He was only there for 3 hours! Maybe I am just repeating myself over and over but good grief! I must say I was truly grateful for the Christmas present that Seth got Elan. We have used that baby every day! (He got us a snow scraper) Thanks Seth! We already had a ton of snow and now this! I thought it was pretty funny that it snowed as soon as the parking lot was cleared, though.
Well anyway, life is pretty good. Elan dropped one of his classes to get a better grip on things, and is doing much better! He is happy at work and as far as we know, the financial aid has gone through and will pay for tuition. So that makes us happy. I still haven't found a job. The 2 prospects that I was counting on never called me back after the phone interviews and I think it is because I sound like a 12 year old. I want to work with children so bad! But I applied to many different places, and will continue to apply until I find a job. This is just ridiculous.

Well, I took pictures of our house for everyone to enjoy!

This is the first view of our beautiful home. The pictures Elan got me really look great! (The middle one I got from Patty on my birthday) I LOVE THEM! We didn't have room for the table, so we put it next to the fridge and took two of the stools for the bar area, so it works out alright. We should have gotten the 2 bedroom, I think... But it's okay, everything fits and looks pretty good!

This is a side view of our living room. We are using our bedroom end tables as the living room end tables, so that is why they don't really match anything else in the room, but I do like the lamps and the couch combination. It looks pretty good to me! The only problem with having the couch there is the cold window.

Here's our TV and bookshelf and guitar corner, and shoeville. I think it is awesome! We really do loving having a TV! Thanks SANTA Pat and Patty! So that is our living room... Moving on into our teeny tiny kitchen...

Yeah, that's the whole kitchen. It works really well for one person... But really, I love it! I think it is perfect for our needs. The only problem is that both me and Elan don't fit very well... But that's okay. It is really easy to keep clean! :)

This is the view into our hallway, which leads to the bathroom and our bedroom, you can see the beautiful picture on the wall. That is from Elan as well. I LOVE IT! It is just perfect! You can also see where we put the other 2 stools, that is the small bar area.

Here is a view of our bathroom. This is the best picture I could get standing in the bathtub as far away as possible. It is pretty small, but easy to keep clean! That's my favorite part about small things! We like the mirror because it is an extra storage area!

Here is our bathtub. It is also small, it is about the length of my legs and 2 of my feet wide. The water pressure is ridiculously awesome! But it's pretty hard to take a bath. That's okay though!

And last but not least, our bedroom... There is a lot of space in this room! We just have a giant bed! It works well for us. There is about a foot and a half on either side of the bed so that is good. And we love every part of our cute little apartment!

There have been a lot of small but substantial blessings in our life, and I would just feel bad not mentioning them and sharing the joy of gratitude.

First of all, I want to thank the people who plow the roads every day. Without you, there would be a lot of people who couldn't get to work or to school and we are grateful!

I am grateful for Subway for giving Elan his job back! We are so grateful for that! I don't think we could handle two unemployed people right now! Also, For the people who tipped Elan the last month or so! We collected 65 dollars in tips and had it in case of emergency, and thank you! Because we were able to buy groceries this week!

I want to thank my family.
My sweet mother-in-law Patty, who is just so wonderful! We couldn't be where we are without you!
My dad who is always there for me no matter what!
And everyone else who has lent a helping hand these past weeks and months! We love you so much!

There have been a lot of little blessings everywhere I turn, and I know that someone somewhere is watching out for us, and helping us in this time where we might be struggling here or there. Thank you.

We love you all. Remember to take time to count your blessings! It's worth it!

Love, Tasha

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The first week...

Rexburg has been really interesting so far! It's different being married here. I feel like all of my friends who are not married don't really want to be my friend anymore, and I am becoming better friends with those who are married. Just because we have more in common now or something. I am truly grateful to have friends again in any case! Today was our first day in our new ward, and let me tell you... it is different. Everyone is married, but you won't find a child over the age of 4 anywhere. It is a strange difference from the past year. Well, from any church experience I have had! I miss the little kids! I am sure that they have a sunbeam teacher already and enough people in the nursery, but I really would enjoy that. I don't know how long I can stay in the relief society. There are so many pregnant women I wanted to cry. I know that I should be happy for each of them for starting their family and fulfilling those duties of motherhood. But I am just so completely jealous. I know that my time will come, but I am not patient.

Elan has had tons of homework, and I am glad that I have a bit of time to help him out. He has been really stressed about all of his classes and the smallest things have been eating at him. It has been really hard for me because all week, he barely paid attention to me. I am sure that will change as the semester goes on, but for now, I am glad that I have my friends.

It seems like we have really awesome neighbors! One super awesome couple helped us find our way to church today and were really nice! I am super grateful for them! I have a good feeling that we will become good friends.

We were able to put up most of the decorations and things around the house, and they look awesome! Elan got me some framed wedding pictures for Christmas, and they look really good on our wall. Overall, I am really happy with everything in our apartment and around it!

On the job front, I have looked on Craigslist and because of Laura's sweet recomendation, and I applied to a couple different listings. It turns out that there are hundreds and hundreds of girls who had the same idea, and each person who responded to my email said that they have been overwhelmed with responses. But I do have an interview for a daycare next week. Boy, that would be my dream job! I just wish that I was in a place where half the women were NOT Child development majors. But anyway, we are in a pickle because of money and have eaten chili and baked potatos the last couple nights, with top ramen today! I think we will have some kind of stew and mashed potatos tonight. (Potatos are really cheap in Idaho.) Hopefully I will find a job soon because we can't live without money. We really regret the money decisions we made before we came back to school right about now.

But all is well, we will be living our lives righteously and no matter what happens, this is a temporary part of life in a temporary moment of eternity. We will survive and be happy.

To all who are reading, we love you and hope that all is well wherever you are!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The journey

We started our journey to Rexburg almost as soon as the truck was loaded and it was really hard. I know that I have never found home until I moved to Washington, and I hope to return very soon. Of course I knew I was going to cry, but Patty had to start the waterworks and then I was a goner. When we crossed the state line is when I probably should have pulled over, just to let it out, but I kept trucking on--tears and all. The drive was alright, the roads were good all through Washington, and there wasn't really a time when I was uncomfortable, so it was a good day. We stayed the night at the Frei Cabin with the Renchers, and it was a good time. I got to play Pinochle which I haven't really played in a long time. And there I learned that a pinochle is actually worth 40 points, not 60! My whole life has been a lie! We looked in the official card rule book! (Yes, that book exists.) That threw off my game big time, and me and Tyler lost horribly! It is all because for my entire life, I was saved by those extra 20 points time and time again.
The next day, we got ready to go and on the way up the road, we got stuck. We had to get the chains out to make it out of there. It was stressful. I was really glad that Elan was there because I don't think I would have known how to put the chains on correctly. I am even more glad that Patty told us to buy those chains last year! We finally got out of there and started on our journey. This driving day wasn't so good. Before we started driving, Elan pointed out that it would probably be a bad day to have a broken windshield wiper fluid dispenser because of the muck and snow combination on the roads, but we didn't really think about actually fixing the problem. Elan was right, it was awful! Absolutely the scariest thing that could have happened to me! There were times when my windsheild was so covered in muck that my wipers couldn't keep up on their own, and I couldn't see a thing. I completely lost visibility a few times, and it scared me to death. I was going to kill Elan for making me drive by myself while he drove the big truck! It really was super frightening! But, I made it out alive, and I learned that no matter what, I need to make sure that is fixed before I go on another road trip!
I got scared again as night fell because the roads looked more menacing and the ice was more scary. But it turned out alright! We stopped at a gas station and I washed my windows and the headlights... it was amazing how dirty they were! And we were off! We passed a car with the emergency lights on and I thought, "We should stop and help them..." And then I thought, "Nah, the last time I did that I got into a lot of trouble, so I won't." about ten minutes later I got a phone call from Sister Rencher, and those were her kids that we passed, and so we turned around to help them after all. It was kind of funny.

We made it to our new apartment and got all the paperwork done. It is a really nice place. I am glad that we chose this one! Everything looks brand new and there are no eyesores of any kind! We love it! So we had this giant moving truck and just me and Elan. I hurt my shoulder a few days ago, and it wasn't any better, so we knew that it wouldn't be alright to do this all by ourselves. When Elan opened the truck, I felt like we would never get it all done! It was massive! So I called around and posted on my facebook that we needed help! Eric finally answered and came over to help! It was amazing how quickly that pile of stuff turned into another pile of stuff! That Eric is one of the best people I know! I am really glad to have him as part of my family!

After Eric left, we were exhausted from a long day of driving and unpacking, and so we put together our bed and laid down, and fell asleep. It was sure good to be home.

We woke up a few times because our water heater is going crazy and making a loud knocking sound. The maintanence guy is going to fix it soon. Elan got his job back at Subway, he starts on Friday, and I am looking for a job! Which we need desperatley, Elan's highschool finally sent the highschool transcripts that he requested ages ago and so the financial aid thing can go through, but we are still stressed about that and we might be needing to get a student loan. While Elan was at school today, I unpacked everything and got the furniture to the right places and completely killed my shoulder. (Hopefully this pain goes away soon.) But it was worth it because when he got home, the relief was immenent and he was very happy! So that made my day completely worth the pain. We still have to organize the bedroom but the living room and kitchen are done! I am happy, and we love our new home! Happy days everyone!



Before I begin, I just wanted to explain my reasoning to having this blog. Elan and I don't have a lot of time to tell everyone everything that is going on in our lives, and we thought that if we made this blog, we would be able to reach out to people in ways that we couldn't by just having our regular once a week phone calls, if we even enjoy that much. We love you, and miss you all!