Well anyway, life is pretty good. Elan dropped one of his classes to get a better grip on things, and is doing much better! He is happy at work and as far as we know, the financial aid has gone through and will pay for tuition. So that makes us happy. I still haven't found a job. The 2 prospects that I was counting on never called me back after the phone interviews and I think it is because I sound like a 12 year old. I want to work with children so bad! But I applied to many different places, and will continue to apply until I find a job. This is just ridiculous.
Well, I took pictures of our house for everyone to enjoy!
This is the first view of our beautiful home. The pictures Elan got me really look great! (The middle one I got from Patty on my birthday) I LOVE THEM! We didn't have room for the table, so we put it next to the fridge and took two of the stools for the bar area, so it works out alright. We should have gotten the 2 bedroom, I think... But it's okay, everything fits and looks pretty good!
This is a side view of our living room. We are using our bedroom end tables as the living room end tables, so that is why they don't really match anything else in the room, but I do like the lamps and the couch combination. It looks pretty good to me! The only problem with having the couch there is the cold window.
Here's our TV and bookshelf and guitar corner, and shoeville. I think it is awesome! We really do loving having a TV! Thanks SANTA Pat and Patty! So that is our living room... Moving on into our teeny tiny kitchen...
Yeah, that's the whole kitchen. It works really well for one person... But really, I love it! I think it is perfect for our needs. The only problem is that both me and Elan don't fit very well... But that's okay. It is really easy to keep clean! :)
This is the view into our hallway, which leads to the bathroom and our bedroom, you can see the beautiful picture on the wall. That is from Elan as well. I LOVE IT! It is just perfect! You can also see where we put the other 2 stools, that is the small bar area.
Here is a view of our bathroom. This is the best picture I could get standing in the bathtub as far away as possible. It is pretty small, but easy to keep clean! That's my favorite part about small things! We like the mirror because it is an extra storage area!
Here is our bathtub. It is also small, it is about the length of my legs and 2 of my feet wide. The water pressure is ridiculously awesome! But it's pretty hard to take a bath. That's okay though!
And last but not least, our bedroom... There is a lot of space in this room! We just have a giant bed! It works well for us. There is about a foot and a half on either side of the bed so that is good. And we love every part of our cute little apartment!
There have been a lot of small but substantial blessings in our life, and I would just feel bad not mentioning them and sharing the joy of gratitude.
First of all, I want to thank the people who plow the roads every day. Without you, there would be a lot of people who couldn't get to work or to school and we are grateful!
I am grateful for Subway for giving Elan his job back! We are so grateful for that! I don't think we could handle two unemployed people right now! Also, For the people who tipped Elan the last month or so! We collected 65 dollars in tips and had it in case of emergency, and thank you! Because we were able to buy groceries this week!
I want to thank my family.
My sweet mother-in-law Patty, who is just so wonderful! We couldn't be where we are without you!
My dad who is always there for me no matter what!
And everyone else who has lent a helping hand these past weeks and months! We love you so much!
There have been a lot of little blessings everywhere I turn, and I know that someone somewhere is watching out for us, and helping us in this time where we might be struggling here or there. Thank you.
We love you all. Remember to take time to count your blessings! It's worth it!
Love, Tasha